Julie Coy
steel that kills covid

The world’s first Covid-killing steel

The first Covid-killing steel has been developed by researchers at the University of Hong Kong. As explained in the study, stainless steel products are extensively used in public areas, making it one of the most frequently touched materials. On a conventional stainless steel surface, coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) can be detected even after two days.  So, let’s take a look at what makes this new alloy Covid-killing and how it could be used to keep us safe.   Who is behind the research? The research was led by Professor Mingxin HUANG at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Faculty of…

steel factory

Is green steel possible?

Under the new Industrial Deep Decarbonization Initiative (IDDI), the governments of the UK, India, Germany and Canada have announced a pledge to purchase low carbon-emission steel. Green steel is already experiencing a rise in demand, with this announcement encouraging the market’s growth.  The steel industry is critical to the global economy, but it is also one of the biggest producers of carbon dioxide. And so, decreasing the level of CO2 produced by the industry is vital if countries are to achieve the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. And green steel is thought to be the answer. Here we look…


Should you choose a generic or industry-specific ERP system?

Implementing a new ERP system is no small task. Add in the time pressures and volatility of the metals market, and you can be certain this implementation is not something you want to be doing again a few months down the line. So, selecting the right software can be a pretty daunting decision. This is why we suggest breaking it down. One of the first choices to be made is whether a generic or industry-specific ERP system is best for your business. Here, we outline the key differences between the two and explain why industry-specific triumphs over generic for metal…

How steel manufacturers can protect and boost margins in a volatile market

A tumultuous 18 months has led to an unprecedented rise in steel prices. Supply has been unable to keep pace with the slumps and surges in demand for steel, resulting in the continual cost increase. With this instability set to continue for the foreseeable, what can steel manufacturers do to protect margins and optimise profits? Here, we give you the solution. How much have steel prices increased? Over the past 12 months, the price per tonne of steel has increased by July: +£30 August: +£30 November: +£40 December: +£80 January: +£50 March: +£30 May: +£50 May: +£100 June: +£80 Why…

ERP system

How to choose the right ERP system

An ERP system can increase revenue, boost productivity, improve coordination, cut costs and give you a competitive edge. But only if it’s right for you, your industry and your business. One Google search will throw a seemingly never-ending list of choices at you, likely leaving you with more questions than answers. So, if this is you and you’re in the metal industry, we’ve outlined the key considerations to have in mind that’ll help whittle down the options.   What is an ERP system? An ERP system, standing for Enterprise Resource Planning, is a type of software companies use to manage…

Online ordering system

5 reasons why metal stockholders and processors should offer online ordering

So much can now be done at the click of a button. Shop, speak to friends, listen to music, book a holiday, read the news, apply for a job; all done in an instant. And the past year has proved the true value of tech. Online learning, appointments, meetings, interviews, chats and parties; technology kept us close whilst we remained apart. The pandemic has served only to accelerate the pace of digitalisation, a transformation which is vital to keep up in today’s market. But one which is yet to be fully embraced by the steel and metal industry. Phone calls,…

Get ahead of your competitors.

How would it feel to be able to offer your customers another reason to order with you? How would it feel to be ahead of your competitors? How would it feel to have something new to shout about to your customers and prospects? How would it feel to raise your profile in the marketplace? Coming Soon – the launch of phase 1 of your Customers’ Web Portal – E-Docs! The benefits of Prof.IT can now be extended to your customers, with the launch of a Web Portal, for your customers. Phase 1 will be E-Docs, providing 24-7 access for your…

Free Zoom Software demo for your Industry Wednesday 21st April 2021 – 10.00-11.30am With over 4 decades of experience and 100’s of users throughout the UK, Europe and world wide, we are experts in providing software solutions to your industry. To register and receive the Zoom Links for this event, please e-mail [email protected]

Success at our Virtual User Event

This week, saw our first virtual user event. In the past this has been an offsite event and the chance to catch up face to face over a coffee. This year Covid-19 dictated we had to go virtual. We have received some great feedback following the event and for some it’s clear that a virtual event works for them. Many topics were covered, but of particular interest seemed to be the soon to be coming “on-line ordering” facility integrated with Prof.IT. We ran a poll on the event and the results speak for them selves.