Software For Metal Stockholders & Processors
Prof.IT is a modern, user friendly software package, designed specifically for Metal Stockholders and Processors. This specialist software solution has been developed to handle all the day to day problems often encountered by the industry.
The system handles all aspects of order processing, stock control, enquiries and reporting. It will enable companies to reduce their costs and maximise profits.
The system is reliable, easy to use and efficient.
Designed specifically for your industry. We supply systems to over 60 sites throughout the UK, Europe and America & Singapore.
Stock Holders
Processors / Manufacturers
None ferrous industries
Coil Slitters / Blanks
Black / Bright Bar Drawing
High Performance Alloys
For many businesses, fully integrated batch traceability is an essential requirement from any IT system. Prof.IT provides a number of traceability options to match your business requirements.
Never worry about providing the correct certification for your specific customer needs. Configure the system at customer level to receive CofC, copy of mill cert or depending on the end user requirements generate your own certifications containing all chemical and mechanical properties. Create specifications to test your stock against them to ensure that the product you distribute matches the requirements of your customer exactly. Tracing each batch and cut batch directly back to the supplier and/or Mill you purchased it from. You are in control, decide which products are traceable and which customers require certifications and to what degree.
Stock Control
The Warehousing module is the core of Prof.IT and is at the heart of any business. It provides accurate and up to the minute information. Reserve your sales items against free stock, incoming stock or incoming off-cuts. Reservations can be made against the section, length or batch level. Split picking notes by warehouse automatically if required and merge them back onto a single despatch note.
You may have multiple branches around the country (or the world), instantly and automatically generate picking notes directly to source material in the desired warehouse. Let the system do the work, you just tell it what you need.
Manage your inventory for JIT stock control by utilising re-order levels and lead times. Dynamically switch various units of measure to see your stocks in Meters, KG, Tonnes, pieces or even create your own bespoke unit of measure such as ft, lbs or “bars”.
Full QA
This module allows users to create material type templates that define the chemical and mechanical tests required for each material type.
Specifications allow the user to create master and customer specifications defining the details, minimums and maximums, test type etc. for each chemical and mechanical requirement. Certificates allow users to record cast/mill certificate/test information along with images. Certificates can be linked to batches. Sales orders/lines are assigned a master or customer specification which Prof.IT then monitors throughout processing, picking and despatch. The user’s Certificates are then produced along with the Despatch Notes.
Dynamic Units of Measure
As any business who buys and sells steel will know, being flexible is key. Prof.IT allows you to buy, sell and stock in different units of measure. This gives you the benefits of purchasing power and provides flexible tools for your sales teams to engage with customer and fulfill their order requirements. This may be feet, inches, kilos, tonnes, each, the list is endless and a click of the mouse will enable you to flip back and forth to provide accurate and fast information.
1d/2d Optimisation
One of the most common problems for businesses involved in cutting is minimising wastage. Hours are often spent looking at cutting jobs and trying to plan the most efficient and cost effective method of producing a customer’s requirements. The Cutting Optimiser does all of this. Using various mathematical calculations, the system will suggest the most efficient method of cutting, enabling wastage and off cuts to be drastically reduced. Want to try and use up some of the off cuts that have accumulated? Just ask the question and the system will use as many off cut items as it can. Even if the stock is not available in your warehouse yet, the system can also optimise using incoming stock for maximum efficiency.
This is a must for anyone wanting to reduce waste and maximise profits
Intelligent Document Management
Look around your office, how many filing cabinets are there full to bursting? What about ring binders and file boxes? How much space do these take up? What about when a file is missing? How can you find it and how do you share this information?
PCI’s state of the art Prof.IT system comes complete with an inbuilt Document Management system. Every Order Acknowledgment, Invoice, Purchase Order etc. is stored in electronic, PDF format, which means that any document can be recalled to the screen with ease.
Have you ever worked out how much it costs to print and store all of this information? The paper, the pre-printed stationery costs, the ink, the ring binders, the manpower in filing and retrieving all of this information? An integrated Document Management system will alleviate some of the costs and overheads associated with storing so much paper. All of this information will be available to you and all the other members of your business in electronic format. This information can then be shared and is stored on your computer server which is backed up each evening. Better still, the information can shared and distributed to the client from the desktop. Think of the positive impact you are making to the environment.
Coil Planning
De-coiling, Blanking and Slitting Optimiser.
This optimiser enables you to review requirements, interrogate your stocks, plan sets and manage margins. This function is aided by the provision of graphical representations of the layouts.
Dynamic Pricing
Dynamic pricing – for more control of the sales teams take advantage of Prof.IT’s powerful and extremely dynamic pricing structures which will ensure that you are always selling at the right price. Create your own pricing structures based on customer, market/sector, product/SKU, product class and even seasons and quantity brackets or a combination of all of them. Create your own base price or user average batch costs, create flat costs throughout your product classes by controlling the costs displayed to your sales team to ensure that good purchases are not “given away” to your customers by selling under the current market value. Manage your margins by introducing checks on orders making sure that you are making a minimum value or margin. All of this can be configured to your requirements.
Bill Of Materials
Fully integrated Bill of Material Management.
Manage all your raw material component items in one centralised area to help manage your manufacturing process. Store items with varying units of measure, quantities required and build alternate items to maximise productivity.
Capacity Planning & Scheduling
Manage your work load versus your processing capacity.
How much work do you have ahead of you. What capacity do you have available? Where are your bottle necks?
This module allows for the scheduling of bottleneck assets or processes. “Assets/Resources” are created and attached to a capacity calendar, production operations are set as “schedulable” against selected assets or machines. Plans are created, works orders with schedulable operations are allocated to plans and progress displayed in real time.
Dynamic Product Cost Management
Hugely flexible for managing costs. Factor in replacement costs rather than actual cost, so that you are not giving away your efficient buying. You can look at the actual cost of the exact batch of material; or base your selling price on average costs, it’s up to you.
Many other options are available in the system, to look at things like how much it costs to provide transport to your customers, what the cost implication of taking card payments is etc. What about your processing costs, cutting etc. are you charging enough? What is the “real” profit margin on an order?
Customisable Configurations
This is your system and is hugely configurable. You decide how your team interact with it, what screens they can see, what information they can access.
Prof.IT can be used in the office or remotely if you’re working from home or off site.
One of our consultancy experts will work closely with you to identify your objectives, establishing how the system can work for you and your business.
Full Control
Configure the system to provide access to modules for your users and teams. Remove unwanted fields and control the data displayed in your stock levels screen. See as much or as little data as you need to do your job. Remove menus and provide read only access to key data to ensure integrity and minimise errors.
Logistics Planning
Do you have your own vehicles? How much time and effort is involved in managing the administration of loading them and allocating loads on to routes?
We know that this can be a very time consuming job, often seeing personnel juggling endless pieces of paper and shuffling information back and forth.
Prof.IT system has a Load & Transport Management System, replacing the endless paper work, with a simple point and click method.
The system will produce a list of all picking notes created for each customer by delivery location e.g. Midlands, North Yorkshire etc. These can then be dragged and dropped using the mouse to any of the loads/routes you have defined making that trip. This automatically creates the delivery note for the despatch. Displaying the total weight of the load is of huge benefit so that you can see when the load is full and has reached its weight capacity.
Feeding back to the sales personnel on the sales screen is the status of the load, e.g. 75% full for the Midlands route in the morning. This is a very useful feature to get your sales team on the phone to fill up the wagon, reduce delivery overheads and maximise profit.
Process / Production Orders
The Procurement Order Processing module integrates with the rest of Prof.IT system, primarily Sales Order Processing and Stock Management. The term Procurement Order Processing, gives users a wealth of flexibility and includes the ability to create Purchase Orders for bought in goods, Internal Works/Production Orders for manufacturing and Process Notes/Outworker notes for 3rd Party work.
Like the Sales Order Processing module, this area of the system also benefits from fast order entry. Orders can be entered manually, created automatically using the ‘back to back’ function from Sales, created from a Works Order or automatically produced using the “Shopping List” function. Multiple suppliers can be stored against each item, building in lead times and price lists. This powerful feature of Prof.IT allows users to consolidate ordering and take advantage of bulk order discounts, reduced carriage and increased profitability.
Interface with accounts packages
Prof.IT works alongside numerous accounts systems, so you don’t need to re-invest. Aged debt and credit control information is shared with the sales team so they are informed. Invoices posted to the sales ledger saves time and avoids any inputting errors.